Complimentary Webinar Available
Navigating Your Inkjet Journey -
Navigating Your Inkjet Journey is a two part session with Part 1 focusing on the discovery process in this on-line webinar presented by Randall Swope, Sr. Consultant - New Market Development for Gimbel & Associates. In conjunction with Xplor International, the webinar is free to all those who wish to attend.
In The Discovery Process discussions feature key milestones required to identify and select the best fit for your needs. Randy will cover the growing demand for digital print and how inkjet is leading this growth. What is happening with inkjet technology evolution, and key factors for defining if inkjet is the right fit. Then we will delve into the development of the business case, a step not to be missed. The discovery process we will show you how to define the best opportunities for targeting customers and applications, as well as considerations for workflow, media, and finishing. We will then cover how to build customer value propositions for the inkjet business, and focus on how to prepare the sales force for selling inkjet value.
It is a lot to take in but the framework for the Discovery Process will help you to better structure your approach to inkjet opportunities!
About the Presenter:
Randall draws on more than 30 years of international sales and marketing experience including living in multiple overseas assignments and regional management for Developing Markets. He brings a wealth of talent to bear by managing client consulting projects; developing strategy; providing organizational and business analysis; and conducting sales training and seminars for customers.
For those attending the conference please join Roger P. Gimbel, EDP and Randy Hardy, Sr. Consultant as they discuss inkjet technology implementation. Inkjet technology is hot, whether continuous or cutsheet. Are you considering an investment in an inkjet press? Come learn some lessons to ease your way!
There are many devices and many applications that run great on inkjet, but caution: there are some applications best left to a toner device. We'll discuss all these implications, as well as many more such as: How do you sell it? How do you price it? What is the end user looking for?
To register for the XPLOR21 conference follow this link: XPLOR21
Additional Gimbel & Associates Events to Attend at the Conference!
November 16-17, 2021 - As the main XPLOR Platinum Sponsor and XPLOR 21 Diamond Sposor, Gimbel & Associates will be hosting a Booth #19 in the Island Ballroom. Meet Gail Gimbel, Executive Director and Randy Swope, Sr. Consultant who will answer any questions you have about our services and where you can sign up for our monthly blogs and informative eBooks and webinar events. Brandon Franke, Sr. Consultant for Gimbel & Associates will be in attendance advising current clients about conference seminar and exhibitor best solutions for their businesses.
November 16, 2021 - 8:00am - Roger P. Gimbel, EDP and President of Gimbel & Associates will welcome all the the XPLOR21 conference and announce the Industry Awards recipients.
November 16, 2021 - 8:45-9:05am - Following the awards announcements Roger P. Gimbel, EDP, President of Gimbel & Associates, will be the Auction Master of Ceremonies for a Cruise Auction. Gimbel & Associates has donated a cruise on the 82ft Hattrick Yacht to benefit the XPLOR student scholarship program. Get you bid in and win that luxury cruise while supporting the next generation of print professionals!
November 16, 2021 - 10:05-10:25am - Ask the Expert panel hosted by Gimbel & Associates. Need to assess where your business is heading? How to improve your customer retention? How's your ROI these days? Come ask the G&A experts and find out what services you can benefit from.
November 16, 2021 - 4:30-5:15pm - Roger P. Gimbel, EDP will take part in a panel for Technology's Evolving Role in Customer Communications.