Are you focused solely on getting the “daily laundry” out the door each day?
Topics: consultative selling, inkjet technology, news, inkjet, sales acceleration
Printers who create transactional documents rely on established workflows designed to generate millions of variable documents containing sensitive information like billing and payment amounts, purchases, insurance claim information, utility usage, or medical procedures. If that sounds like your business I can’t fault you for thinking your operation isn’t set up for low-volume wide format print applications like banners and signs.
These two print applications seem to have nothing in common. But is that really true?
Though the devices are different, printers produce wide format jobs on digital devices, just like transactional documents. Color and resolution is important in both cases, and both require strenuous quality control processes. Mistakes in each genre are expensive. In the high speed world of transactional documents, errors are
Topics: inkjet technology, wide format, news, transactional printing, signs, inkjet diversification, large format, banners
We recently assisted one of our customers with a major business evolution to inkjet. The company migrated from a cut sheet toner printing environment to continuous roll-fed inkjet platform. It’s a journey becoming common as clients demand the flexibility inkjet provides and printing companies scramble to respond.
Topics: Workflow, inkjet technology, roll-fed, migration, digital transformation, news
Topics: variable data printing, digital print, data analytics, inkjet technology, paper