
Marketing - DIY or Hire a Professional?

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Jul 8, 2020 2:40:38 PM

Print providers face the dilemma of marketing their services with in-house resources or hiring a marketing firm.  It’s a reasonable predicament. Print service providers (PSP’s) offer many services that execute on strategies marketing agencies recommend. These include graphic design, print, and direct mail submission. PSPs are experts in those parts of a marketing program. Would it be much of a stretch to write the marketing plan and manage the digital components? How much time could website design and maintenance, SEO, and social media take?

It boils down to one simple question: “How much of my company’s marketing should I do myself?”

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Topics: direct mail, news, social media, website, marketing social media, agency, SEO

10 Marketing Strategies for Printers

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Jan 15, 2020 2:16:23 PM
You know the old maxim: printers are great at executing marketing programs and delivering
results  for their clients but not very good at promoting themselves. Marketing can seem time consuming and complex, but it’s not. It’s based on a few fundamentals: know your clients, decide what you want to tell them, and chose the tactics that work best. Here are 10 ideas to help you get started.
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Topics: direct mail, news, email, marketing message, social media, website, content marketing, print providers, marketing strategies

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