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What Does Mobile Have to Do with Print?

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Apr 11, 2019 11:40:45 AM

Mobile technology is revolutionizing entire industries. Sometimes it even creates something new, like ride-sharing services. Uber wouldn’t be possible without mobile phones. The printing business can take advantage of what mobile has to offer as well. Mobile  technology isn’t the only factor causing changes in the printing business, but it creates possibilities for printers to create new billable services and deepen relationships with clients.

Smart phones and tablets enable exciting developments happening in the printing business. Mobile barcodes (QR codes), near-field-communi-cations (NFC), and augmented reality (AR) all take individuals into the digital realm from a point that  starts with a printed document.

These technologies offer far-ranging possibilities. Printers have barely begun exploiting the capabilities and more importantly, to sell the concepts of mobile-enabled print to their customers.

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Topics: news, mobile, quick response, NFC, near field communication, augmented reality

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