
Customer Retention Strategies for the Print Businesses

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Jul 8, 2024 11:25:41 AM


Retaining clients is as crucial to the health of your business as acquiring new ones. Perhaps even more so. The best clients, and the ones you can reliably count on to run a successful company, are the ones who keep returning to do business with you.

Acquiring new customers is always a good idea, of course, but client retention should also be a top priority, backed by a management strategy that begins the minute a client signs a purchase order. Your customer retention strategy should be an intrinsic part of your corporate culture, from the CEO on down.

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Topics: news, customer retention, customer experience, ai, CX, artificial intelligence

Cloud Computing for the Printing Industry

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Mar 6, 2024 12:54:59 PM


Remember when having your head in the clouds wasn’t a flattering comment? Times change. Today, being in the cloud is a good thing and we’re all attempting to stake out a spot up there so we can be more productive down here.

Cloud computing has been around for some time. We’re all familiar with our own personal software programs and operating systems that update automatically. Or with our photos and files being stored somewhere in the ether. But like any structural transformation, cloud computing takes time to fully permeate into businesses and market sectors.

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Topics: news, cloud computing, augmented reality, ai, digitize, digitization, printing industries applications

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