G7 certification

Your Color Expert Left—What Now?

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Jun 24, 2024 2:01:27 PM


Color consistency is vital to maintaining brand fidelity. With more campaigns being run on multiple devices and substrates, and with customers moving to printing on demand, maintaining color across the board is more challenging than ever.

And yet it’s necessary as color expertise may be one of those competitive advantages that sets your business apart. If your company suddenly looses the color whisperer who helps nurture that advantage, it could be tricky to maintain the status quo. But it’s not impossible. You can still support color consistency, meet customer expectations, and ensure production quality remains high with an effective color workflow system.

Color Workflow

Start by ensuring all your devices are working in peak condition. If color shifts across a particular screen, or on a press sheet, you will need to fix or replace those devices.

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Topics: news, color, G7 certification, color management, color profile, ICC, color expert, color matching

A Print Buyer’s Perspective

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Jun 28, 2022 1:52:20 PM


Like the rest of us, print buyers have come through a challenging time. COVID has surely affected their jobs, and the profession itself has changed as print’s place in the marketing spectrum has evolved.

Today’s buyers include highly experienced professionals who understand the technicalities of print and are fascinated by equipment, and newly minted entrants who are likely to be digital natives or marketers without a great deal of printing experience. For them, buying print is not a primary function, but only one task in a broader portfolio. And let’s not forget that a lot of print buying has moved online.

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Topics: print buyers, news, print buying, selling print, sales techniques, G7 certification, client retention, printing experience

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