Data analytics

Can Legacy Applications Jumpstart Your Inkjet Success?

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Jul 28, 2017 2:23:19 PM
Inkjet Platforms Bring a New Level of Customization, Impact, & Effectiveness 
High speed color inkjet can revolutionize a printing business, but printers won’t realize the most beneficial impacts of this technology by simply moving print from one platform to another. Profiting from inkjet requires effort in three separate areas of the workflow: data, print output, and finishing.
Though inkjet may bring new business to  a print service provider, most jobs processed on a new inkjet platform, at least in the beginning, are legacy applications. Printers developed these existing print jobs using then-current methods and technology. The legacy work is almost always a mixed bag of formats and processes. Print service providers will need to spend time on normalization and standardization as they prepare to introduce new inkjet platforms to their operations.
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Topics: variable data printing, digital print, data analytics, inkjet technology, paper

The Printer’s Role in Non-Profit Campaign Effectiveness

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Jan 12, 2017 9:30:00 AM

The Key to Success is in the Data

Helping non-profits reach their objectives for fundraising and retention requires print service providers to use a new approach; different from how they’ve interacted with customers for decades. Print vendors must dedicate more time to probing, analyzing, and testing than they might apply to traditional direct mail campaigns. A file of names and addresses imaged on pre-printed shells will not yield the desired results. The key to non-profit success is in the data.

 A non-profit organization’s data could be outdated or in disarray. Print service providers may have to help their non-profit clients assess, augment, and use the data necessary to make their fundraising campaigns successful. It is important to do this work before attempting to design compelling variable data campaigns.

Start with an analysis of the data that exists within the non-profit’s donor databases:

  • What information have they captured?
  • Did they record the information in a consistent manner?
  • Is information missing from some records?
  • Are there known duplicates?
  • Is the data centralized or is it spread across several departments or locations?
  • How old is the data?
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Topics: multi-channel campaigns, marketing, marketing strategy, data analytics, non-profit

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