
Your Color Expert Left—What Now?

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Jun 24, 2024 2:01:27 PM


Color consistency is vital to maintaining brand fidelity. With more campaigns being run on multiple devices and substrates, and with customers moving to printing on demand, maintaining color across the board is more challenging than ever.

And yet it’s necessary as color expertise may be one of those competitive advantages that sets your business apart. If your company suddenly looses the color whisperer who helps nurture that advantage, it could be tricky to maintain the status quo. But it’s not impossible. You can still support color consistency, meet customer expectations, and ensure production quality remains high with an effective color workflow system.

Color Workflow

Start by ensuring all your devices are working in peak condition. If color shifts across a particular screen, or on a press sheet, you will need to fix or replace those devices.

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Topics: news, color, G7 certification, color management, color profile, ICC, color expert, color matching

Explore G&A Activities at XPLOR 22

Posted by Gimbel & Associates on Aug 10, 2022 4:01:02 PM


Roger P. Gimbel and our Gimbel & Associates Sr. Consultants are excited to once again participate in XPLOR 22 activities and seminars!  G&A is always happy to share our knowledge and insights with attendees at the yearly conference. 

As the main XPLOR Platinum Sponsor Gimbel & Associates will be hosting Booth #1 in the Banyan Breezeway.

Come meet  Gail Gimbel, Executive Director and Randy Swope, Sr. Consultant- New Market Development  who will answer any questions about Gimbel & Associates services and where you can sign up for our monthly blogs and informative eBooks and webinar events.

Here's what's on the schedule.

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Topics: print service providers, news, color, Randy Hardy, Roger P. Gimbel, Randall Swope, XPLOR 22, print manufacturing, color match, David Hunter, ChromaChecker, strategic thinking

Considering the Differences Between Print and Digital Presentation

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Dec 13, 2021 1:09:00 PM

Designing for print and designing for digital presentation can be quite different. Some aspects are common to both, such as visual appeal, a pleasing use of color, and effective space utilization. Other practices, techniques, and executions will differ.

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Topics: news, color, fonts, digital design, print design, layout, typography, user experience

How Color Choices Affect Printing Costs

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Mar 8, 2021 2:05:43 PM

The story of color is changing. An overenthusiastic use of loud, bright hues in recent years has, ironically, dulled their impact. Perhaps we’re all yearning for more mellow, calming

experiences, or perhaps we simply want a visual change. Whatever the actual reasons, design trends are shifting to a more muted, less vibrant color palette.

With that in mind, let’s consider how the printing process can affect color choices and see how to use color cost-effectively without reducing its visual appeal. Besides the amount of ink needed to print a brochure or a wine label, crucial elements such as the number of colors, and the paper or other substrates on which the images are printed, have a great effect.

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Topics: paper, news, color inks, color, Pantone, consumption, ink, PMS, printing costs

Creating Print-Friendly PDFs

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Nov 2, 2020 11:30:00 AM

Portable Document Format files (PDFs) are an efficient way of digitally sharing and outputting files across multiple platforms, including printing, losing no essential information in the transmission. Adobe introduced the file format almost 30 years ago.

Because PDF is now really an industry standard, a set of regulations was established and continues to be developed by the PDF Standards Committee. Specialized versions of PDFs have been created for specific purposes. PDF/a is for electronic document archives, and PDF/UA was formed for accessibility purposes. PDF/X drives general commercial printing, and variable and transactional documents use PDF/VT.

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Topics: news, pdf, pdf/vt, color, fonts, graphics, pdf/x, resolution

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