Gimbel & Associates Blog

The Perfect Pairing: A Printer’s Guide for Collaborating with Designers

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on May 1, 2023 3:53:11 PM


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Topics: direct mail, news, designers, design, embellishments, graphics, color and key data points, color match, printing and graphics, graphics designer, color choices

Why Do Your Customers Choose You?

Posted by Randall Swope on Apr 10, 2023 3:37:27 PM


“I don’t have to sell. My customers come to me.”  That is what a customer told me once. If you have that situation all the power to you, but you are probably leaving a lot of business for others to grab.  Learn  how your existing customers choose you and then delve into how can you leverage that knowledge to grow your business.

Customer Acquisition

Customer acquisition is probably one of the most important business processes that a company can have. As part of an ongoing program of both sales development and customer satisfaction (shouldn’t they be one in the same) you can build a dynamic model for analyzing customer acquisition experience and use that to develop strategies for new customer growth and customer retention.

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Topics: news, assessment, customer acquisition, discovery stage, product offerings, customer experience

Do You Offer Design Services?

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Mar 21, 2023 10:11:18 AM


A growing number of print service providers have added design to their service offerings. If you haven’t ventured there yet, consider the many advantages to bringing design in house. Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as placing a help wanted ad. Design is a broad area and graphic designers come in many flavors and with many specialties.

The designer you choose to hire must be the right fit for the work your company produces and match your organizational culture. An understanding of the print process and its intricacies is, of course, mandatory.

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Topics: news, printing, design, graphic arts, graphics designer, design services, on-staff designer

Legendary Game-Saver Becomes a Game-Changer for Print Industry Recruitment

Posted by Gimbel & Associates on Feb 13, 2023 1:41:47 PM


This article is  a reprint, courtesy of the Print & Graphic Communications Association.  Gimbel & Associates is intrigued and gratified to learn of the charitable work of former NY Yankee great, Mariano Rivera, who has established a program to educate students about exploring careers in printing and graphics.  For more information on the Foundation or to attend the Franklin Event, click on the link at the end of this article.

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Topics: news, printing, printing and graphics, Mariano Rivera, Mariano Rivera Foundation, Franklin Event, PGCA, technical training, print industry recruitment

Helping Designers with Direct Mail

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Feb 2, 2023 12:54:19 PM


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Topics: direct mail, news, mailpiece, mailpiece design, graphic design, cta

Guide to Digital Printing and Variable Data

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Jan 10, 2023 12:48:08 PM


Most of us are bombarded daily with thousands of marketing messages. Our phones, computers, televisions, social media channels, radios, and emails continuously clamor for our attention with promotional hits.

A marketer trying to cut through the noise faces almost impossible odds. The good news is that one of the most effective tools for bolstering engagement and response is individualized marketing through variable data printing. The most effective marketing is for an audience of one and leading-edge marketers increasingly use variable data printing (VDP) to ensure their client’s messages are heard.

For printers, this represents a big and profitable opportunity. Our eBook from Gimbel and Associates, A Printer’s Perspective & Guide to Digital Printing and Variable Data, is a thorough and in-depth source for helping printers transition to this business model. You can download it for free.

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Topics: variable data printing, news, eBook, digital printing, VDP, printer's perspective

How to Lose a Print Sale (and never be invited back)

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Dec 16, 2022 11:37:16 AM


Anyone selling print today using the methods they learned ten years ago (or more) is going to run into difficulties. The pandemic changed the way people feel about work and time. That’s what brought on the Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting phenomena. Print buyers, who may hold positions in marketing or the executive suite, place a high value on their time and they aren’t very tolerant of people who waste it.

It can take dozens of attempts to secure a meeting with a prospective customer. When you’re finally in the room with a decision-maker, don’t make mistakes that will cause them to end the meeting or deflect any attempts at following up.

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Topics: consultative selling, solution selling, news, selling print, print sales, print sales people, customer acquisition

Educating Digital Designers About Print

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Nov 22, 2022 2:22:00 PM


A significant percentage of designers have little to no experience in creating print projects. When they shift to printed materials, this lack of knowledge can cause them to make design decisions that add unnecessary costs and make it tough for printers to produce the product the designers envisioned. Designers accustomed to working in digital channels may not be conscious of the details that determine the success or failure of a print project.

Educating designers about print has become important as more businesses are realizing the new role print plays in overall marketing strategies. An organization cannot always achieve their marketing objectives with a digital-only approach. 

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Topics: digital print, news, graphic design, design, design tips, digital designers, print comeback

GCS School Security:  The Materials

Posted by Gimbel & Associates on Oct 7, 2022 11:17:19 AM


This GCS Strategies video features wide format experts, Sean Burke and Tom Cochrane talking to  Brian Ebenger, VP Excel Products, about the materials and installation of security film on windows and doors to protect schools.  Whether K-12 or collegiate, this film provides an additional layer of security against school shootings.  For more background on window security film, visit the GCS website blog, "Three Minutes on School Security."

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Topics: wide format, news, GCS Strategies, three minutes on school security, solutions

It’s Time: Open Houses for Printers

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Sep 30, 2022 11:54:47 AM


For two long years, nobody put on an in-person event. Organizers migrated everything to virtual affairs or cancelled their plans outright. Now people are feeling safe enough to attend live events again. Sports teams are back to playing in front of their fans and entertainers are performing for audiences.

If you once had plans to host an open house at your printing company and never got the chance, it’s time to put that event back on the calendar.

Getting Back to In-Person Events

There’s no promotional investment that can make a bigger impression on customers and prospects than the personal interaction made possible with live events. Well-executed open houses are great ways for print service providers to achieve their goals for new business development, launching new product lines, or expanding business relationships.

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Topics: events, open house, news, live events, in-person events

What’s Your Story?

Posted by Gimbel & Associates on Aug 17, 2022 3:17:17 PM


Has anyone ever enjoyed a session of Death by PowerPoint? If your sales reps are still focusing on speeds, feeds, and other dry factoids during client presentations, chances are high they’re not delivering a message that resonates.

While facts still matter and need to be communicated, a more compelling approach is to weave them into stories that hold your clients’ attention and truly engage them.

Why Stories?

Stories sell better than facts, it’s that simple. When we listen to stories, we use more complex areas of our brain; we engage our emotions; we find it easier to remember content and data, and we stay focused. We’re all people and we all like a good story.

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Topics: news, sales techniques, print sales, selling with stories

Explore G&A Activities at XPLOR 22

Posted by Gimbel & Associates on Aug 10, 2022 4:01:02 PM


Roger P. Gimbel and our Gimbel & Associates Sr. Consultants are excited to once again participate in XPLOR 22 activities and seminars!  G&A is always happy to share our knowledge and insights with attendees at the yearly conference. 

As the main XPLOR Platinum Sponsor Gimbel & Associates will be hosting Booth #1 in the Banyan Breezeway.

Come meet  Gail Gimbel, Executive Director and Randy Swope, Sr. Consultant- New Market Development  who will answer any questions about Gimbel & Associates services and where you can sign up for our monthly blogs and informative eBooks and webinar events.

Here's what's on the schedule.

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Topics: print service providers, news, color, Randy Hardy, Roger P. Gimbel, Randall Swope, XPLOR 22, print manufacturing, color match, David Hunter, ChromaChecker, strategic thinking

A Print Buyer’s Perspective

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Jun 28, 2022 1:52:20 PM


Like the rest of us, print buyers have come through a challenging time. COVID has surely affected their jobs, and the profession itself has changed as print’s place in the marketing spectrum has evolved.

Today’s buyers include highly experienced professionals who understand the technicalities of print and are fascinated by equipment, and newly minted entrants who are likely to be digital natives or marketers without a great deal of printing experience. For them, buying print is not a primary function, but only one task in a broader portfolio. And let’s not forget that a lot of print buying has moved online.

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Topics: print buyers, news, print buying, selling print, sales techniques, G7 certification, client retention, printing experience

Challenges and Opportunities for Print Service Providers

Posted by Roger P. Gimbel, EDP on Jun 20, 2022 3:32:42 PM


Well, we are certainly living in interesting times. Two years of a global pandemic, followed by conflict in Ukraine, have resulted in labor disruptions, a choked global supply chain, and a shifting marketplace. What’s next is anyone’s guess at this point.

Interesting times certainly bring a host of challenges, but they also bring opportunity. That’s as true for the printing industry, which was living through its own interesting times even before the pandemic, as it is for individuals and society.

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Topics: direct mail, print service providers, wide format, news, digital printing, assessment, short run books, assessing new opportunities, print industry, print industry trends, opportunities for printers

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